Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference

ALMAC, the most important event of its kind in Aisa, will go online in this 10th edition and be transformed into a brand-new experience for thousands of participating businesses from around the world for equality knowledge sharing and business opportunity exploration, and the conference will be held on 17-18 November.

Themed "Capturing opportunities amidst volatility",  this year's online Conference will focus on rebuilding supply chain resilience under the new normal, Asia's evolving role in global supply chains, as well as trendsetting technologies and innovations that enable the advancement of the global logistics sector. There will also be a series of thematic forums with discussions on topical issues in air cargo, maritime services and supply chain management.

    Special fee to CILTHK members: HKD390
    To enjoy the offer, register NOW at with the (Registration Code: A10SOPCILTHK)  


ALMAC 作為亞洲區內最為重要的同類型會議,將在第十屆以嶄新的網上平台為與會者帶來全新線上體驗

今年會議以「掌握機遇 迎變起航」為主題,匯聚了空運、物流、航運、供應鏈管理業界及貨主,共同交流行業資訊,集中討論新常態下亞洲供應鏈的整合及發展,以及探討區內發展及商機。

     請立即到 登記 [註冊編碼: A10SOPCILTHK] 可享會員優惠

Document NameSizeDescription
ALMAC2020_E-newsletter_EN.pdf    200.8 KB       
ALMAC2020_E-newsletter_TC.pdf    354.7 KB