The essay competition aims to arouse the interests of the secondary school students in the logistics and transport industry and to enhance their analytical skill and creativity. 


 u Procedures of application and submission 遞交作品方法

Please send the essay along with the Application Form to the e-mail address designated for Chinese and English stream. The essay is required to submit in Microsoft Word format. Please title the file name of ward document with your student name and the group name. 

請將參加表格連同比賽作品傳送至下方指定電郵地址。作品請以Microsoft Word檔案格式遞交,檔案名稱需列明參加組別及學生名稱。

 Ø  Chinese Stream 中文組

 Ø  English Stream 英文組

u Award 獎項

 Ø  Champion 冠軍 : Book coupon HK$1,000 書券港幣一千元

 Ø  First runner-up 亞 : Book coupon HK$500 書券港幣五百元

 Ø  Second runner-up 季 : Book coupon HK$300 書券港幣三百元

 Ø  Merit award 優異獎 : Book coupon HK$100 書券港幣一百

 u Deadline for Submissions 截止報名日期

 Ø  17 January 2023 / 2023年1月17日

Document NameSizeDescription
Application Form - The 21st CILTHK Student Essay Competition (Softcopy).doc    1,462.5 KB    Application Form of the 21st CILTHK Student Essay Competition 第二十一屆香港運輸物流學會中學生徵文比賽報名表   
Poster - The 21st CILTHK Student Essay Competition (Final).png    5,084.4 KB    Poster of the 21st CILTHK Student Essay Competition 第二十一屆香港運輸物流學會中學生徵文比賽海報